Quote of the Week: Lorrie Moore

American writer Lorrie Moore was born on this day in 1957. Though Moore has written novels and essays, she is best known for her short fiction, including the 1998 collection Birds of America.

The short fiction connection is salient, I think. The fact that Moore is able to share her thoughts elegantly in tight spaces goes a long way to explaining why she is so quotable and why when she talks, we just want to listen.
“A writer can’t control the reception of one’s work or the perception of its author -- as much as one would like to. You just have to put on your helmet and boots and get out your pen. At some point, to some extent, what is both right and wrong with your work is what’s right and wrong with you. What is in it is what’s in you - and that’s if it’s going well.”


Anonymous said…
Hi Linda,
It is true you can't control the reception of your work. . .but guess what. I just opened the Sunday edition of The Seattle Times and Death Was the Other Woman got a great review! Congratulations.
Hi Mary-Frances,

Wow! Thanks for letting me know. Did they run a picture?

The book has been really well recieved thus far. When I ran that quote I was more thinking about the fact that, as an author, it's too easy to spend time thinking about what people will say about your work when you should just buckle down and think about the new work, not letting the comments on the *previous* work touch you. It's difficult sometimes, though. In a way, it's *more* difficult when they're only saying nice things, 'cause you just want to sit and glow in that for a bit. (Not that I'm asking for anyone to say nasty things! I don't mean that at all.)

Anyway, thanks for letting me know about The Seattle Times review. I'll have to go look it up.
Anonymous said…
Hi Linda,
Yes, they ran about a two inch long photo of the cover--it looked great. You were in good company in my opinion since they also reviewed Laurie R. King's new novel Touchstone! I'm really jazzed for you.

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