The Trouble With Paradise or Fighting With A Winter Wonderland

The trouble with living in a northern paradise is this: sometimes when winter hits, we get left behind. That happened just this week when David and I came back from two weeks away from home only to discover our house under a frosting of snow (pretty!) and our phone and Internet gone the way of memories. We’ve been muddling along without communication (can you spell withdrawal? I knew you could!) since Monday. Then late today our broadband returned, but not our phone. Go figure. And since we live in a region where cel phone service is spotty at best… well, let’s just say, if you’ve been trying to get hold of us and failed, here’s why. The way things are going, it still might be a few days before phone service is restored.

Meanwhile, the wider world has marched on without us. For instance, just a few days ago, the lovely Oline Cogdill wrote about book trailers on the South Florida Sun-Sentinel’s blog ... and she mentioned the one for Death Was in the Picture quite prominently. Cogdill’s column is here. And to save her readers from having to scroll through this page trying to find the trailer, I’ve included it again below because, as luck would have it, I’ve been pretty blabby in this space over the past month and the posting Cogdill mentions in her column is fairly well buried.

Technological challenges aside, Holiday 2008 is going along well in my world. Hope the same is true in yours.


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