Mystery Retreat

During the week of June 6th, I'll be holed up on Salt Spring Island off Canada’s westernmost coast with some of the top mystery writing talent in the country. And if you’re lucky and you feel like it, you can be there, too! From the bumph:
Imagine spending a week with some of Canada’s top mystery writing minds: picking their brains, learning their techniques, and getting the how to’s of writing a successful mystery novel.
The Salt Spring Island Mystery Writing Retreat is being sponsored by Simon Fraser University’s Summer Publishing Workshop and runs from June 6th to 12th. More information here.

The photo at left is of Linda and Jett the Wonderdog, taken on a sandstone beach typical of the Gulf Islands. (Unfortunately, Jett won’t be in attendance at the retreat. She wasn’t invited and, in any case, her agent informs us it would have represented a scheduling conflict.)


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