Building a Volcano in Order to Do What?

This just seems like a really bad idea. From The Guardian:
Dimming the sun by engineering the effects of an artificial volcano is a feasible and potentially cost-effective option to reduce temperatures on Earth, the first major study of the practicality of planetary-scale solar radiation management (SRM) concludes.
Say what?

The idea is to combat global warming in a completely pro active way: by creating an artificial volcano to actually dim the sun.
Dimming the sun by engineering the effects of an artificial volcano is a feasible and potentially cost-effective option to reduce temperatures on Earth, a report says.
I mean, sure, it’s an interesting idea, to put it mildly. But it seems to me that, every time we try to mess with stuff like this in a big way, things get worse. It just sounds like an idea with a huge “oops” potential or the plot for a fairly crappy movie probably starring either Bruce Willis or Mel Gibson. Or both.


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