Haploid Metrosexual Onomatopoeia
It’s amazing the stuff you come across when you’re looking for something else. Here’s a good one I found today: Reference.com’s list of Most Looked Up Words From 2005. (And no: serendipity didn’t make the list. Would have been ironic if it did, though, wouldn’t it?)
The results do surprise me. I can’t imagine actually consulting a reference -- and expecting it to have the definition of -- metrosexual or emo (which is “a music term, abbreviated from emo-core, which was shortened from emotional-hardcore.”) or bothering to look up words like love or sex, both of which appear on the list.
Have a haploid day! (And, yes: haploid is on the list. And, no: I haven’t used it correctly in this sentence. Whatever.)
For Reference.com in 2005, the top 15 search terms were not particularly surprising, but do include a couple of sexual terms and those nagging grammar terms (metaphor, irony, alliteration, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, adjective). Newer vocabulary includes haploid, über, and emo.
The results do surprise me. I can’t imagine actually consulting a reference -- and expecting it to have the definition of -- metrosexual or emo (which is “a music term, abbreviated from emo-core, which was shortened from emotional-hardcore.”) or bothering to look up words like love or sex, both of which appear on the list.
Have a haploid day! (And, yes: haploid is on the list. And, no: I haven’t used it correctly in this sentence. Whatever.)