The Best of the Best of the Best...
Thanks so much to Clea Simon to guest blogging in this space yesterday. It was fun helping her launch her most recent book, Cries and Whiskers, which is available in bookstores near you as of... now. Her posting in defense of the portion of crime fiction in which she writes struck a chord with some readers. To see what all the fuss was about and perhaps add your two cents, click here.
Meanwhile, as I’ve said a few times in the last week or so, I’ve been too busy to say much interesting around here of late. One of the things that’s been keeping me occupied is working on January Magazine’s end of the year features. After what seems like an especially herculean effort this year, the holiday gift guide was completed a couple of weeks ago and we’ve been rolling out the Best Books of 2007 feature for the last week. The only piece that has yet to be posted is the Best Books of Crime Fiction. I’ll let you know when that happens.
Meanwhile, as I’ve said a few times in the last week or so, I’ve been too busy to say much interesting around here of late. One of the things that’s been keeping me occupied is working on January Magazine’s end of the year features. After what seems like an especially herculean effort this year, the holiday gift guide was completed a couple of weeks ago and we’ve been rolling out the Best Books of 2007 feature for the last week. The only piece that has yet to be posted is the Best Books of Crime Fiction. I’ll let you know when that happens.
Now, you think maybe at some point January will start reviewing cozies?
But, to be fair, January is entirely pushed by the passions of its reviewers. There is never -- and I mean *never* -- a book that *must* be reviewed or an author that has to be heard from. And we actually have reviewed cozies in the past. But I don't think there's currently anyone writing for January for whom cozies are a passion. That's not a comment on the form, just the current stable of reviewers.