Forgotten Books: A Place of Greater Safety

Last week for Patti Abbott’s forgotten books project, I blogged about Swann by Carol Shields. In turn, I passed the baton on to Clea Simon, who today reminds us of A Place of Greater Safety. Says Clea:
For my turn, I’m picking Hilary Mantel’s A Place of Greater Safety, a book I find myself re-reading regularly. It’s historical fiction, but like all Mantel’s work, defiantly unsentimental. Instead, as it follows the fathers of the French Revolution Camille Desmoulins, Jacques Danton, and Maximilien Robbespierre and their colleagues from their bourgeois upbringing through to their end, in the Terror of their own creating, it celebrates the blood lust in all of us, as enthusiasm begets cruelty and passion consumes itself.
Cool! Definitely one to pick up. You can read more of Clea’s assessment here.


Anonymous said…
dear mrs.richards, my name is david vega and i wrote a book/moviescript,i had positive feedbacks from both book publisher and film writer...please call me so that we could discuss further a buisness proposal i have for you. my numbers are as follows,,,,718 944-1455(office) 570 216-4553(home)...hope to hear from you soon...REMEMBER,,,NOTHING TO LOOSE BUT LOTS TO GAIN,IS THE WAYS TO STAY SANE....PLEASE CALL ME.ILL BE AWAITING YOUR RESPOND...
Dude: I am so not going to call you. I barely call my friends, let alone people who leave odd messages publicly on my blog. If you have something to say, please do it in e-mail. Privately would be a good idea. My e-mail address is tres easy to find, too.
Not so much. I'm unlisted.


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