Star Trek Anyone?
I’m not commenting on this either way -- I simply haven’t the expertise. But, when I read this press release, the first thing I thought about was the United Federation of Planets.
I never really thought that idea sucked, either. You can read the press release from the Appeal for the establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations for yourself here. (And, tip one? They need a catchier name.)
A Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations could initially be composed of national parliamentarians. Step by step, it should be provided with genuine rights of information, participation and control vis-à-vis the UN and the organizations of the UN system. In a later stage, the assembly could be directly elected.
I never really thought that idea sucked, either. You can read the press release from the Appeal for the establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations for yourself here. (And, tip one? They need a catchier name.)
They claim to be "renovating" the fort, but one of these days I'll get a peak under the scaffolding ... ;)