Linda Goes to Ottawa

I’m in Ontariariario until next week.

On Friday, I’ll be heading to Toronto and, among other things, I’m looking forward to spending some time at the Ontario Library Association’s SuperConference. Come see me there at noon on January 30th when I’ll be chatting with some of my favorite people -- librarians -- and signing copies of Death Was in the Picture. More dates as things firm up, although I know for sure I’ll be at Seattle Mystery Bookshop at noon on Saturday February 21st, although that seems a long way off right now!

In the meantime, I’m in Ottawa where I just completed taking part in a Canada Council for the Arts jury. (Which means I can mention my participation now that it’s over. Before it happened, it was all top secret. Which was actually kind of fun: a top secret mission for the Canadian government, oui? Okay, it’s true and you know it is: I really love my drama.)

A few days ago, I was taken aback to see (former) Liberal party leader Stéphane Dionne outside of the Parliament Buildings. (Who knew they just let him walk around like that?) That was just minutes after I took this astonishingly bad photograph of myself in front of said buildings of Parliament with the not-so-great camera in my phone. I had my real digital camera with, as well but -- alas -- I neglected to bring my USB cable on the road with me. (I’m able to Bluetooth the photos from my phone to my computer, which would be even cooler if the camera in the phone was better. But…)

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to lunch with my friend the esteemed Ottawa-based author Mary Jane Maffini (The Cluttered Corpse) and then a visit to Prime Crime, the city’s famous mystery bookstore.

If you don’t hear from me for a while, I’m maybe just stuck in a snowbank, probably with a big ol’ grin on my face.

More tales from the road soon. I hope.


John McFetridge said…
I hope to see you in Toronto, Linda. Will you be stopping in at Sleuth of Baker Street Books?

And just a little heads up, Dion isn't leader of the Liberals anymore, it's some guy named Iggy ;)
Yeah, I know: I was starstruck and for a moment forgot about author and intellectual Michael Ignatieff.

So what do we call Dion now? What, John: best not answer that!

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