Quote of the Week: Ursula Le Guin
“If you want your writing to be taken seriously, don’t marry and have kids, and above all, don't die. But if you have to die, commit suicide. They approve of that.” -- Ursula K. Le GuinIt is the birthday of National Book Award-winning author, Ursula Le Guin, born on this day in Berkeley, California, in 1929.
We mentioned her at length on January Magazine today. That piece is here. Meanwhile, another quote from this writer who has, for so many years, had so much of value to say:
“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.”If you’d like to see more quotes from this amazing author, check Brainyquotes where, interestingly enough, she is compared to Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, H. L. Mencken and other writers of that ilk.
Happy Birthday, Miss Le Guin. And many, many more!